Anne Lastman

Anne is a qualified post abortion grief counsellor and sexual abuse counsellor who has worked in this area for nearly 18 years. Over the years Anne has developed a recovery strategy, which works well for those who persevere with the programme. Anne continues to study post abortion grief and the related, sexual abuse grief, which manifest with similar symptoms.

Anne not only counsels (generally from a Catholic/Christian perspective), but speaks and writes on matters of post abortion trauma and grief, and travels the world speaking on this issue. Anne also speaks and counsels those who have suffered sexual abuse, which is often found underpinning the multiple abortion woman.

Anne is also author of Redeeming Grief (now in its second edition), a book about her understanding of what abortion and its after-effects mean to the woman and her society. It was a book born from the years of work and reflection into this matter.

Anne has now also published her second book, Hidden Pain, which provides an insight into childhood sexual abuse. It is the result of her engagement with many who have sought out her help and its links for post abortion counselling, and upon further investigation, the findings that histories of abuse were common.

Helen Meyer

Helen was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. Her childhood years were profoundly impacted by the death of her mother, family separation and her father’s struggle with chemical dependency.

In 1989, during a speaking tour of the USA, Helen witnessed how small groups could be used effectively as a teaching mechanism to bring health and wholeness to the lives of people. Out of this knowledge Helen spearheaded the development of Careforce Lifekeys and co-authored the Lifekeys Facilitator Training program, which has established Lifekeys in over 2300 churches, in twenty countries all around the world.

In Helen’s capacity as Director & Co-Founder of Lifekeys she has developed and in some cases, authored, many of the Lifekeys programs.

Collett Smart

Collett Smart is a consultant psychologist, qualified teacher, lecturer, author and mum of 3. She has spent the last 20 years of her career working in private and public schools, as well as working as a consultant psychologist in private practice.

Collett holds a degree in teaching and a postgraduate degree in psychology, with a specialisation in ‘special educational needs’. Collett’s knowledge has lead to her working with children, teens and their parents around Australia, inner city London in the UK, and in Africa.

Collett’s working week involves varied but complimentary roles. These include – delivering seminars, psychology consults, lecturing at UWS, media appearances and being a mum.

Dr. Wendell J. Rosevear

Dr. Rosevear is active in addressing how our community relates to individuals who use drugs and alcohol and advocates nationally for understanding and drug law reform. He lobbies for suicide prevention and against discrimination at all levels.

He works with both male and female victims and male and female perpetrators of sexual abuse. He’s cared for 126 perpetrators in assisting their recovery from being abusive.

Wendell’s Motto and Aim: “ to make Love infectious.” He lobbies nationally to generate understanding about Drugs, Addiction, Recovery, Prisons, Male Sexual Assault, Sexuality, Relationships, Suicide and Prevention. He believes passionately in the value of each person and in nurturing honesty to deal with life’s issues.

Sally Grant

Sally Grant is a qualified counsellor and social worker based in north west Sydney.

Dr Caroline Norma

Dr Norma is a lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University, and a member of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia (CATWA). She is also the author of The Japanese Comfort Women and Sexual Slavery during the China and Pacific Wars (Bloomsbury Academic, London and New York, 2016).

Caroline researches gender-related problems arising in the professional practice of interpreters working for migrant women accessing sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking and child protection services in Victoria, Australia.

Caroline’s research focuses generally on prostitution, pornography and trafficking in Australia, Japan and South Korea.